
Issue - meetings

Consider Appeal Against Grievance

Meeting: 17/01/2022 - Appeals Committee (Item 3)

Consider Appeal Against Grievance


Additional documents:


The Committee noted that a request for continuation had been received from Mark Lines, Senior Manager, Children, Families and Justice Services, 澳门最准四不像 and Bute HSCP.  The Committee agreed to adjourn the meeting and requested that officers from Legal and Regulatory Support organise a suitable date to reconvene.


The Committee reconvened on Thursday, 20 January 2022 with all those present as per the sederunt.


The Chair advised that in terms of the Grievance Procedure the Committee would only be in a position to consider those matters which had already been considered in the course of the grievance process and would not consider any new items which had been considered as part of a separate process.


The Committee gave consideration to submitted evidence on behalf of the Appellant and the Employer in regard to the case for appeal against grievance.


When asked, both parties confirmed that they had received a fair hearing.




The Appeals Committee resolved that the grounds of the appeal had not been substantiated and the appeal be not upheld.



Meeting: 14/12/2021 - Appeals Committee (Item 4)

Consider Appeal Against Grievance

Please note that the information previously circulated in respect of this case, will be utilised at this meeting.



The Chair advised that in terms of the Grievance Procedure, the Committee would only be in a position to consider those matters which had already been considered in the course of the grievance process and would not consider any new items of those which had been considered as part of a separate process.


The Committee gave consideration to submitted evidence on behalf of the Appellant and the Employer in regard to the case for appeal against grievance.


The Chair moved and the Committee agreed, to adjourn the meeting to allow for further consideration of the information presented.The Committee thereafter reconvened on Wednesday, 15 December 2021.


When asked, both parties confirmed that they had received a fair hearing.听听




The Appeals Committee resolved that the grounds of the appeal have been substantiated in part and the appeal be partially upheld.


Meeting: 26/11/2021 - Appeals Committee (Item 3)

Consider Appeal Against Grievance


Additional documents:


The Committee noted that additional information had been circulated in respect of this item.The Committee agreed to adjourn the meeting and requested that Legal and Regulatory Support organise a suitable date to reconvene.



