
Issue - meetings

Verbal Update by Chair(s) of the Scrutiny Panel(s)

Meeting: 20/12/2022 - Audit and Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

Verbal Update by Chair(s) of the Scrutiny Panel(s)

Verbal update by Martin Caldwell and Councillor Jim Lynch


Additional documents:


Martin Caldwell, Chair of the Public Consultation Review Panel provided a short update in relation to the progress made since the review commenced.He advised that a meeting had been arranged with the Chief Internal Auditor for the New Year to discuss how best to define the scope of the review and that a further update would be provided to the next meeting of the Committee.


Councillor Jim Lynch, Chair of the Fly Tipping Review Panel provided a short update in relation to the progress made since the last meeting.He advised of the difficulties of defining fly tipping and in particular the issues that have presented in seeking information to allow for a fair review to be conducted.Councillor Lynch advised of the next steps in seeking information and that he hoped to be in a position to provide an update to the next meeting of the Committee.
