
Issue - meetings

Unaudited Financial Accounts - TO FOLLOW

Meeting: 20/06/2023 - Audit and Scrutiny Committee (Item 16)

16 Unaudited Financial Accounts pdf icon PDF 186 KB

Report by Head of Financial Services


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The Committee gave consideration to a report which provided an overview of the unaudited annual accounts for 2022-23.The report also provided a summary of the significant movements from 2021-22 and the revenue outturn for 2022-23.It was noted that the Council would be asked to approve the Unaudited Annual Accounts for 2022-23 for issue.




The Audit and Scrutiny Committee considered the Unaudited Annual Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023.


(Reference:Report by Section 95 Officer, dated 16 June 2023, submitted)
