
Agenda and minutes

澳门最准四不像 and Bute HSCP Integration Joint Board (IJB) - Wednesday, 25 May 2022 1:00 pm

Venue: Microsoft Teams

Contact: Lynsey Innis, Tel: 01546 604338 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


The Chair opened the meeting and extended a warm welcome to Councillors Kieron Green, Amanda Hampsey, Gary Mulvaney and Dougie Philand who were recently appointed by the Council as representatives on the Integration Joint Board (IJB), following the local election on 5 May 2022.She also took the opportunity to welcome Julie Hodges in her capacity as primary member of the Independent Sector.She advised that Julie had recently taken over the role from Margaret McGowan and thanked Margaret for her services to the IJB over the years.


Apologies for absence were intimated on behalf of:-


Susan Ringwood, NHS Highland Non-Executive Board Member

Betty Rhodick, Public Representative

Kirstie Reid, Carers Representative, NHS Highland

Pam Dudek, Chief Executive, NHS Highland


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest intimated.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 157 KB

澳门最准四不像 and Bute HSCP Integration Joint Board held on 30 March 2022


The Minute of the meeting of the Integration Joint Board, held on 30 March 2022 was approved as a correct record, subject to the following amendments:-




Remove Angus McTaggart, who is listed twice as being present.


Agenda Item 7 鈥 Staff Governance Report for Financial Quarter 3 鈥 2021/2022


Amend bullet point two within the decision to read as follows 鈥


鈥淓ndorse the overall direction of travel noting that it would be helpful to have comparative information from both the NHS and the Council at future meetings.鈥


Minutes of Committees


Audit and Risk Committee held on 12 April 2022 pdf icon PDF 147 KB


The Minute of the meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee, held on 12 April 2022 was noted.


Clinical and Care Governance Committee held on 28 April 2022 pdf icon PDF 275 KB


The Minute of the meeting of the Clinical and Care Governance Committee, held on 28 April 2022 was noted.


Finance and Policy Committee held on 18 March 2022 pdf icon PDF 138 KB


The Minute of the meeting of the Finance and Policy Committee, held on 18 March 2022 was noted.


Finance and Policy Committee held on 29 April 2022 pdf icon PDF 45 KB


The Minute of the meeting of the Finance and Policy Committee, held on 29 April 2022 was noted.


Special Strategic Planning Group held on 27 April 2022 pdf icon PDF 132 KB


The Minute of the special meeting of the Strategic Planning Group, held on 27 April 2022 was noted.


Chief Officers Report pdf icon PDF 180 KB

Report by Chief Officer


The Board gave consideration to a report from the Chief Officer which provided information on the Joint Strategic Plan 2022-2025; the National Care Service and a number of staff changes, including the retirement of the Depute Chief Officer, George Morrison and the success of the Associate Director of Public Health, Dr Nicola Schinaia in securing another post within NHS Highland.The report also provided an update on changes to the Covid-19 guidance as well as a number of ongoing projects such as the opening of the Lorn and Islands Hospital Macmillan Day Bed Unit.听听




The Integration Joint Board noted the report by the Chief Officer.


(Reference:Report by Chief Officer, dated 25 May 2022, submitted)

Dr Rebecca Helliwell; David Gibson and Fiona Thomson joined the meeting during discussion of agenda item 5.



Appointment of Elected Members to the IJB and representation on the IJB Committee Structure pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Report by IJB Standards Officer/Executive Director

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report which outlined the requirement for the IJB to make new appointments to each of the three Committees and to the Strategic Planning Group.The report also presented the Terms of Reference which had been updated to reflect Member job titles.The Board noted that Councillor Amanda Hampsey had been co-opted to the role of Vice Chair of the IJB on a two year rotational basis, by virtue of her Care Services Policy Lead role.




The Integration Joint Board:


1.    Noted the changes in the membership of the IJB and the impact on the representation throughout the Committee structure.


2.    Appointed Councillors Kieron Green and Dougie Philand to the 澳门最准四不像 and Bute HSCP Audit and Risk Committee.


3.    Appointed Councillors Amanda Hampsey and Dougie Philand to the 澳门最准四不像 and Bute HSCP Clinical and Care Governance Committee.


4.    Appointed Councillors Amanda Hampsey and Gary Mulvaney to the 澳门最准四不像 and Bute HSCP Finance and Policy Committee.


5.    Appointed Councillor Amanda Hampsey to the 澳门最准四不像 and Bute HSCP Strategic Planning Group.


6.    Approved the updated Terms of Reference which reflects member job titles.



(Reference:Report by IJB Standards Officer/Executive Director, dated 25 May 2022, submitted)


Staff Governance Report for Financial Quarter 4 (2021/22) pdf icon PDF 721 KB

Report by HR People Partner


The Board gave consideration to a report on staff governance performance covering financial quarter 4 (January to March 2022) and the activities of the Human Resources and Organisational Development teams.




The Integration Joint Board:-


1.    Noted the content of the quarterly report on the staff governance performance in the HSCP.


2.    Took the opportunity to ask any question on people issues that were of interest or concern.


3.    Endorsed the overall direction of travel, including future topics that they would like further information on.


(Reference:Report by HR People Partner, dated 25 May 2022, submitted)


Whistleblowing Report Quarter 4 - 1 January 2022 to 31 March 2022 pdf icon PDF 355 KB

Report by Director of People and Culture

Additional documents:


The Board gave consideration to the fourth quarterly Whistleblowing Standards report for NHS Highland covering the period 1 January to 31 March 2022.




The Integration Joint Board noted the content of the report.


(Reference:Report by Director of People and Culture, dated 25 May 2022, submitted)


Health and Social Care Workforce Strategy: Three year workforce plan pdf icon PDF 201 KB

Report by HR People Partner


Consideration was given to a report which summarised the requirements pertaining to the development of the HSCP workforce plan, which is required to be in place by the Scottish Government by 31 July 2022 and provided reassurance of the processes being undertaken to achieve the ambitious time frame.




The Integration Joint Board:-


1.    Noted the content of the report, advising the IJB of the HSCP approach to meeting the timeframes of the workforce planning deadlines recently set by the Scottish Government.


2.    Took the opportunity to ask questions relating to the content of the report.听听听


(Reference:Report by HR People Partner, dated 25 May 2022, submitted)



The Chair ruled and the Board agreed to take a short comfort break from 2:33pm.The meeting reconvened at 2:40pm, with all those present as per the sederunt.


In order to facilitate officer attendance, the Chair ruled and the Board agreed to reorder the remaining business.This minute reflects the order in which business was discussed.



Integration Joint Board - Performance Report (May 2022) pdf icon PDF 884 KB

Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology


Consideration was given to a report which highlighted the work to date with regards to improved performance against remobilisation and waiting time targets.Information was also provided in relation to the potential impact of the new Omicron variant, specifically in regards to future performance reporting and prioritisation of service delivery.




The Integration Joint Board:-


1.    Considered the HSCP performance progress regarding remobilisation of activity in line with the NHS Highland performance target for 2021/22 agreed with the Scottish Government to 70%-80% of 2019/20 activity as at November 2021.


2.    Considered Waiting Times Performance and a further reduction in Consultant and Nurse Led Outpatient breaches >12 weeks.


3.    Acknowledged performance with regards to both 澳门最准四不像 and Bute and Greater Glasgow and Clyde current Treatment Time Guarantee for Inpatient/Day Case Waiting List and activity.


4.    Noted future performance reporting arrangements relating to the HSCP鈥檚 Integrated Performance Management Framework.


5.    Noted the Scottish Government鈥檚 advice on timescales for the publication of the 2021/22 Annual Performance Report (APR).


(Reference:Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology, dated 25 May 2022, submitted)听听


Covid-19 Public Health Update pdf icon PDF 517 KB

Report by Associate Director of Public Health

Additional documents:


The Board gave consideration to a report reviewing the work of Public Health in relation to Covid-19.The report built on accounts provided in earlier reports and presented the most up to date information as possible on how the pandemic was unfolding in 澳门最准四不像 and Bute as well as how the next phase of the pandemic response was developing in Scotland.The Health Improvement Principal provided an update on the rebalancing approach to the proactive delivery of health improvement core business and the Covid-19 response.




The Integration Joint Board:-


1.    Noted the Covid-19 current status in the 澳门最准四不像 and Bute community, in terms of:-


         Distribution of infection rates;

         Covid-19 testing programmes.


2.    Assessed the remobilisation plan following the Covid19 responses in the 澳门最准四不像 and Bute Community, in terms of Health Improvement.


(Reference:Report by Associate Director of Public Health dated 2 May 2022, submitted)


Joint Strategic Plan (2022-2025) pdf icon PDF 293 KB

Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to a report which presented the 澳门最准四不像 and Bute HSCP Joint Strategic Plan covering the period April 2022 to March 2025.


Having recognised the work involved in the production of the Joint Strategic Plan, the Board commended the Strategic Planning team and all involved in its production.




The Integration Joint Board approved the 澳门最准四不像 and Bute HSCP Joint Strategic Plan (2022-2025) for implementation.


(Reference:Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology, dated 25 May 2022, submitted)

Councillor Green left the meeting at 15:23pm and re-joined at 15:24pm by telephone.




Report(s) by Head of Finance and Transformation


Provisional Year End Finance Position 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 630 KB

Additional documents:


The Board gave consideration to a report which provided a provisional summary of the financial performance of the HSCP for 2021/22.It noted a positive financial position with a small underspend against available resources, the repayment of the debt balance owed to 澳门最准四不像 and increased reserves.




The Integration Joint Board:-


1.    Noted that the provisional financial outturn for 2021/22 is an underspend of 拢682k against available resources.


2.    Noted that the full debt balance of 拢2.8m owed to 澳门最准四不像 has been settled during the year.


3.    Noted that the IJB is expected to carry forward 拢21.2m as earmarked reserves.


4.    Noted that the figures contained within the report are provisional and subject to external audit.


5.    Requested that the 澳门最准四不像 and Bute HSCP Finance and Policy Committee consider a reduced frequency of meetings now that the IJB no longer holds a debt liability due to the Council.


(Reference:Report by Head of Finance and Transformation, dated 25 May 2022, submitted)


Updated Model Code of Conduct and 澳门最准四不像 and Bute IJB Standing Orders pdf icon PDF 276 KB

Report by Business Improvement Manager

Additional documents:


Having noted that an updated Model Code of Conduct was approved by the IJB in January 2022, incorporated into the Standing Orders, the Board gave consideration to a report which highlighted that further guidance from the Scottish Government had been provided which outlined the need for a revised Code of Conduct to be submitted to them separately as an excerpt for consideration by 10 June 2022.The report contained details of the revisions made.




The Integration Joint Board:-


1.    Agreed and noted the amendment to the Standing Orders on the basis of the guidance from the Scottish Government.


2.    Noted the excerpt Code of Conduct will be submitted to the Scottish Government on 10 June 2022 for review.


(Reference:Report by Business Improvement Manager, dated 25 May 2022, submitted)


Adoption of Model Complaints Handling Procedure of The Scottish Government, Scottish Parliament and Associated Public Authorities in Scotland for the Integration Joint Board pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Report by Business Improvement Manager

Additional documents:


Having noted that the current Model Complaints procedure does not reference the complaints handling of each partner body in relation to service provision, the Board gave consideration to a report which outlined the actions required by the IJB to adopt the sectoral Model Complaints Handling Procedure of the Scottish Government, Scottish Parliament and Associated Public Authorities in Scotland for the IJB.




The Integration Joint Board:-


1.    Noted that the Model Complaints Procedure does not reference the complaints handling of each partner body in relation to service provision.


2.    Formally adopted the sectoral Model Complaints Handling Procedure for the Scottish Government, Scottish Parliament and Associated Public Bodies for the Integration Joint Board.


(Reference:Report by Business Improvement Manager, dated 25 May 2022, submitted)



Date of Next Meeting

24 August 2022


The Integration Joint Board noted that their next meeting was scheduled to take place on Wednesday, 24 August 2022.