
Agenda and minutes

°ÄÃÅ×î×¼ËIJ»Ïñ and Bute HSCP Integration Joint Board (IJB) - Wednesday, 31 May 2023 1:00 pm

Venue: By Microsoft Teams

Contact: Hazel MacInnes Tel: 01546 604269 


No. Item




Apologies for absence were received from Fiona Broderick, Kevin McIntosh, Betty Rhodick and Caroline Cherry.




There were no declarations of interest intimated.


MINUTES pdf icon PDF 145 KB

°ÄÃÅ×î×¼ËIJ»Ïñ and Bute Integration Joint Board held on 29 March 2023


The Minutes of the meeting of the °ÄÃÅ×î×¼ËIJ»Ïñ and Bute Integration Joint Board held on 29 March 2023 were approved as a correct record.




°ÄÃÅ×î×¼ËIJ»Ïñ and Bute HSCP Clinical and Care Governance Committee held on 6 April 2023 pdf icon PDF 142 KB


The Minutes of the Meeting of the Clinical and Care Governance Committee held on 6 April 2023 were noted.


°ÄÃÅ×î×¼ËIJ»Ïñ and Bute HSCP Audit and Risk Committee held on 11 April 2023 pdf icon PDF 140 KB


The Note of the inquorate meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee held on 11 April 2023 was noted.


Special °ÄÃÅ×î×¼ËIJ»Ïñ and Bute HSCP Audit and Risk Committee held on 23 May 2023 pdf icon PDF 109 KB


The Minutes of the Special meeting of the Audit and Risk Committee held on 23 May 2023 were noted.


The Chair of the Committee, Councillor Kieron Green, advised that unfortunately the meeting on 11 April 2023 had been inquorate and therefore in terms of preparing the annual report there was a requirement to hold a special meeting for this prior to it coming to the IJB.



°ÄÃÅ×î×¼ËIJ»Ïñ and Bute HSCP Strategic Planning Group held on 25 May 2023 pdf icon PDF 227 KB


The Minute of the meeting of the Strategic Planning Group held on 25 May 2023 was noted.


Kristin Gillies, who had Chaired this meeting of the Strategic Planning Group, advised that the meeting had considered updates on the Joint Strategic Plan and Joint Commissioning Strategy and provided assurance to the Board that these strategies were on track.



Report by Chief Officer


The Board gave consideration to a report by the Chief Officer for May 2023 which included a welcome to Councillor Amanda Hampsey to her first meeting as Chair of the Board; thanks to the previous Chair Sarah Compton Bishop; congratulations to Sarah Compton Bishop on her appointment as Chair of the NHS Highland Board; thanks to Jean Boardman, NHS Highland Representative who’s last Board meeting it was; and thanks to Stephen Whiston, Head of Planning, Performance and Technology who was retiring.Ìý The report highlighted some examples of the good work that had been taking place across the Health and Social Care Partnership; the challenges that they were facing as an HSCP and what they were doing to tackle them. The report included information on public engagement activities that had been taking place and on the HSCP’s Excellence Awards that had taken place on 12 May 2023.




The Integration Joint Board noted the report by the Chief Officer.


(Reference:Ìý Report by Chief Officer dated 31 May 2023, submitted)


Review of Committee Memberships and Chair Positions pdf icon PDF 181 KB

Report by Business Improvement Manager


The Board gave consideration to a report advising that the current Vice Chair of the Board, Sarah Compton Bishop, had been appointed as Chair of NHS Highland Board and proposing changes to Committee membership and Chair positions in respect of this; and noting the end of term for NHS Highland Board Member Jean Boardman.




The Integration Joint Board –


1.    noted the proposal by NHS Highland to replace the NHS Executive member in the Vice Chair role;


2.    noted that the NHS Highland Board had agreed at their meeting on 29 May 2023 that Graham Bell would be put forward for the Vice Chair position;


3.    noted the proposal for the current Vice Chair to remain as a member;


4.    noted that Jean Boardman’s term of office would conclude on 30 June 2023 and that NHS Highland were working with the Scottish Government’s Public Appointments Team to recruit to vacancies;


5.    agreed the proposal that the newly appointed Vice Chair would take on the role of Vice Chair of the Finance and Policy Committee, Chair of the Clinical and Care Governance Committee and attendee at the Strategic Planning Group in line with the Committee Terms of Reference;


6.    agreed the proposal that the former Vice Chair take up the committee positions vacated by the previous NHS non-executive member; and


7.    agreed that the co-chair of the Strategic Planning Group be appointed on recruitment of new members following the end of Jean Boardman’s term.


(Reference:Ìý Report by Business Improvement Manager dated 31 May 2023, submitted)


The Chair thanked the former Chair, Sarah Compton Bishop, for her time and dedication to the Board and welcomed Graham Bell to his new role as Vice-Chair of the Board.


Sarah Compton Bishop advised that she was working to expedite the recruitment process for NHS Highland Board Executive Membership as it was normally a lengthy process and that she was also working to ensure that there was representation from °ÄÃÅ×î×¼ËIJ»Ïñ and Bute on the NHS Highland Board and putting planning in place for the future to ensure that this remained the process. She advised that she would remain as a member of the IJB in the interim to support the transition period.


Committee Annual Reporting pdf icon PDF 192 KB

Report by Business Improvement Manager


The Board gave consideration to a report providing a summary of the Committee Annual Reports which were required to provide assurance that the committee structure was functioning well and provide the appropriate scrutiny that the Board delegates through the terms of reference.




The Integration Joint Board –


1.    noted that committees have concluded their annual reporting;


2.    noted the participation and engagement with the assurance questionnaire and support for a hybrid approach to this for 2023-24; and


3.    noted that committees have identified their own continuous improvement plan to be implemented.


(Reference: Report by Business Improvement Manager dated 31 May 2023, submitted)




Reports by Head of Finance and Transformation


Provisional Year End - 12 months to 31 March 2023 pdf icon PDF 617 KB

Additional documents:


The Board gave consideration to a report providing a provisional summary of the financial position of the Health and Social Care Partnership as at 31 March 2023 and year end position which would be reported in the Annual Accounts. The report also provided a summary of the delivery of the savings programme and reserves.




The Integration Joint Board –


1.    noted that the HSCP expected to report an underspend of £9.1m for 2023/24, equivalent to 2.7% of the resources allocated to it;


2.    noted that it is anticipated the HSCP would be able to carry this underspend forward to fund the 2023/24 budget gap and key infrastructure and transformation projects;ÌýÌý


3.    noted confirmation that savings of £4.1m had been delivered, 68% of savings plan;


4.    noted that total reserves held had reduced from £21.2m at the start of the year to £16.9m at the year-end; and


5.    noted that all figures provided in this report were provisional and subject to external audit.Ìý


(Reference: Report by Head of Finance and Transformation dated 31 May 2023, submitted)


°ÄÃÅ×î×¼ËIJ»Ïñ and Bute HSCP Draft Annual Performance Report 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 260 KB

Report by Senior Service Planning Manager

Additional documents:


The Board gave consideration to a report presenting the draft Annual Performance Report 2022/23 for approval.




The Integration Joint Board approved the draft Annual Performance Report for the Health and Social Care Partnership for the year 2022/23 subject to scrutiny by the Strategic Planning Group.


(Reference:Ìý Report by Senior Service Planning Manager dated 31 May 2023, submitted)

The Integration Joint Board took a 10 minute comfort break at this point.


HSCP Digital Health and Care Modernisation Strategy 2022-2025 pdf icon PDF 334 KB

Report by Head of Strategic Planning, Performance and Technology

Additional documents:


The Board gave consideration to a report presenting the Digital Modernisation Strategy that had been developed to direct the operation, investment plans and future use of information technology and digital services in °ÄÃÅ×î×¼ËIJ»Ïñ and Bute Health and Social Care Partnership.




The Integration Joint Board –


1.    agreed to support and endorse the strategy which had been presented and approved at the HSCP Digital Modernisation Programme Board; and


2.    noted that the HSCP Digital Health and Care strategy would continue to be iterated and developed and was being used to inform the strategies and digital/IT/ICT priorities of NHS Highland and °ÄÃÅ×î×¼ËIJ»Ïñ and Bute Council.


(Reference:Ìý Report by Head of Planning, Performance and Technology dated 31 May 2023, submitted)


The Chair thanked Stephen Whiston, Head of Planning, Performance and Technology for his time and dedication to the work of the HSCP and for his contribution to the Board; and wished him well for the future.


Children and Young People's Service Plan 2023 - 2026 pdf icon PDF 291 KB

Report by Head of Children and Families

Additional documents:


The Board gave consideration to a report presenting the °ÄÃÅ×î×¼ËIJ»Ïñ and Bute Children and Young People’s Service Plan 2023-26, which succeeded the previous plan.




The Integration Joint Board -


1.    endorsed the joint plan for 2023-26 which succeeded the previous plan; and


2.    noted that it would be reported on annually to partners.


(Reference:Ìý Report by Head of Children and Families dated 31 May 2023, submitted)


HSCP Strategic Workforce Planning - Update pdf icon PDF 203 KB

Report by People Partner


The Board gave consideration to a report summarising the activities that had taken place since the Strategic Workforce Plan was published in October 2022, outlining the consultative approach taken across the partnership, developing a Workforce Planning Oversight Group and 3 action focused working groups to deliver on the key priorities of the workplan.




The Integration Joint Board –


1.    noted the content of the report, advising the IJB of the HSCP approach to delivering the commitments and priorities of the Strategic Workforce Plan as agreed at the IJB in July 2022 and published in October 2022; and


2.      took the opportunity to ask questions relating to the content of the report.


(Reference: Report by People Partner dated 31 May 2023, submitted)



Workforce Report Quarter 4 (2022/23) pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Report by People Partner

Additional documents:


The Board gave consideration to a report focusing on work force data for financial quarter four (January 2023 to March 2023).Ìý The report aimed to show the current demographic position, highlighting trends and advising of the changes and progress made, as well as actions taken to address areas of concern.




The Integration Joint Board –


1.    noted the content of the quarterly workforce report;


2.    took the opportunity to ask any questions on issues that were of interest or concern; and


3.    discussed the overall direction of travel, including future topics that they would like further information on.


(Reference:Ìý Report by People Partner dated 31 May 2023, submitted)



°ÄÃÅ×î×¼ËIJ»Ïñ and Bute Alcohol and Drugs Partnership (ADP) Strategy Update: 2021-2023 ADP Report and Refreshed 2023 Priorities pdf icon PDF 814 KB

Report by °ÄÃÅ×î×¼ËIJ»Ïñ and Bute Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) Co-ordinators

Additional documents:


The Board gave consideration to a report presenting the °ÄÃÅ×î×¼ËIJ»Ïñ and Bute Alcohol and Drug Partnership Report 2021-2023 and a refresh of the priorities for the Alcohol and Drug Partnership for 2023 in °ÄÃÅ×î×¼ËIJ»Ïñ and Bute.




The Integration Joint Board –


1.    noted the progress made on addressing the Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) strategy priorities between 2021-2023 as detailed in supplementary paper A; and


2.    noted the work undertaken to refresh the ADP strategy, with renewed partnership priorities for 2023 as detailed in supplementary paper B.


(Reference:Ìý Report by Interim ADP Co-ordinators dated 31 May 2023, submitted)



Updated Planning with People Guidance 21 April 2023 pdf icon PDF 198 KB

Report by Business Improvement Manager

Additional documents:


The Board gave consideration to a report outlining the updated Planning for People Guidance and its role in supporting the delivery of its legal duty.




The Integration Joint Board –


1.    noted the updated guidance; and


2.    agreed the recommendation of self-assessment against the Health Improvement Scotland Quality Framework.


(Reference:Ìý Report by Business Improvement Manager dated 31 May 2023, submitted)


Directions Log Update - 6 Monthly Report pdf icon PDF 559 KB

Report by Business Improvement Manager


The Board gave consideration to the 6 monthly directions log update.




The Integration Joint Board noted the directions log update.


(Reference: Directions Log as at 31 May 2023, submitted)



30 August 2023


The date of the next meeting was noted as 31 August 2023.