
Agenda item



Question from Duncan Martin, Oban Community Council


Oban Community Council insists that this summer Ganavan Car Park must be effectively managed to facilitate its use both by the residents of Oban and by the many visitors expected this summer.


Could Mr. Smith please provide his management plan.


This must include some method of controlling the use of the car park by caravans and campervans, which at times made the area unusable by the general public. It must also address the wider issue of accommodating these visitors elsewhere in Oban - perhaps the old Council yard could be used temporarily? It has water, electricity and sewage facilities.


Response from Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services


In the absence of a relevant officer the Committee Manager read out the following statement from the Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services.


At the Council Budget meeting held on 25th February, the Council allocated funding to deal with staycation visitors as detailed in the table below.


Investing in 澳门最准四不像 and Bute鈥檚 Opportunities - 拢0.830m


Staycation 澳门最准四不像 and Bute - Supporting recovery and renewal by maximising the potential for growth in 澳门最准四不像 and Bute鈥檚 camping and campervan staycation market

Additional funds to be spent across 2021/22 and 2022/23 to support the delivery of a range of facilities across 澳门最准四不像 and Bute necessary to support camping and caravan staycations.  This will include provision of additional waste disposal facilities to be available prior to the summer of 2021 and other facilities that will be informed by the Motorhome and Informal Camping Survey.  Additional wardens to be employed over the period April to October 2021 to raise awareness in respect of camping responsibly.



At a Council wide level work is currently underway to help promote and manage responsible staycation experiences across the Council area. The work on the ground is being progressed by officers from Development and Economic Growth, Roads and Infrastructure and a multitude of partner agencies.


In terms of parking generally, a report was presented to the EDI Committee in December 2020 and it was agreed that follow up reports are to be taken to the June Area Committee which will cover TROs and parking matters across the council area.


The current TRO for Ganavan car park permits the following vehicle types to park:


  • Motor Car, Car-derived van, dual purpose vehicle;
  • Motor Cycle;
  • Invalid Carriage;
  • Light commercial vehicle;
  • Trailer (with towing car);
  • Caravan (with towing car), Living Van; and
  • Motor Caravan


Within the rules for use the following applies:


Article 7 (iv) 鈥淣o person shall use any part of a parking place or vehicle or trailer in it for residential or camping purposes.鈥


Article 7 (vi) 鈥淣o person shall use any vehicle or trailer as sleeping accommodation while it is parked upon a parking place except where specifically authorised by the Council.鈥


Response from Committee


Concerns were raised by Councillor McCuish, Councillor Robertson, Duncan Martin and Marri Malloy that the report and response from the Head of Roads and Infrastructure were general in nature and did not specifically address concerns in Ganavan or the Oban, Lorn and the Isles area as a whole. It was agreed that the Committee Manager would seek a further response from the Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services providing specific detail in relation to Ganavan and the Oban, Lorn and the Isles area.


Following a query from Councillor McGrigor, it was agreed that the Committee Manager would also request more detailed information from the Head of Roads and Infrastructure Services in relation to facilities which would be available across the 澳门最准四不像 and Bute area.The Committee Manager agreed to circulate any responses received to Mr Martin and Members of the Area Committee.


The Chair confirmed that she had raised concerns around the situation at Ganavan and across the Oban, Lorn and the Isles area in advance of restrictions being eased with the Policy Lead and Council Leader.


Question from Marri Malloy, Oban Community Council


Marri Malloy requested clarification as to how the situation at Ganavan would be managed and whether wardens would be able to manage the situation at Ganavan whereby people used the car park to stay in overnight and left early in the morning.


Response from Committee


In the absence of the Head of Road and Infrastructure Services, it was agreed that the Committee Manager would forward this question to him and circulate any response to Ms Malloy and Members of the Area Committee.


Question from Charles Fothringham, Appin Community Council


Mr Fothringham advised that concerns had been raised by local parents at the beginning of the pandemic around possible issues in recruiting teachers for Oban High School, following reports that some pupils did not have teachers for some subjects.


Response from Committee


Councillor McCuish sought and received confirmation from Mr Fothringham that he would be happy for Councillor McCuish to ask the Head Teacher of Oban High School this question at item 5 (a) of the agenda.


Councillor Devon provided information around the planned co-ordination of timetables for Tobermory, Tiree and Oban High Schools that helps to expand the number of subjects pupils can access.


Due to their similarity in nature, it was agreed by the Chair that the below questions would be raised and answered jointly:


Question from Alison Chadwick, Friends of Ganavan


On behalf of Friends of Ganavan could we ask our Area committee members who makes the decision the Local Development Plan 2 (LDP2) is the 鈥榮ettled status鈥 of the council? Is this taken by elected members and if so was this done by a vote of the full (elected) Council? Did you all vote to approve the settled status?


Question from Councillor McCuish, submitted on behalf of a constituent


It has been stated the Council has a settled view on the LDP 2 how did this arise and what meeting of the full council did this take place were selected members consulted or is the settled view that of officials only.


Response from Committee and Development Policy and Housing Strategy Manager


The Chair confirmed that the settled status of the LDP2 had been unanimously agreed at a full Council meeting in September 2019, with the understanding that further consultation would then be undertaken. The Chair confirmed that it was her understanding that this consultation had taken place between November 2019 and January 2020.


The Development Policy and Housing Strategy Manager confirmed that the settled status of the LDP2 had been agreed unanimously at a Council meeting on 26th September 2019 and that this decision had been reached as part of the statutory process set out by the Scottish Government, with the governance arrangements having been agreed by Council in 2016. The Development Policy and Housing Strategy Manager advised that the settled status of the LDP2 had followed a lengthy period of consultation.


Councillor McCuish advised that Councillors Devon, McKenzie and he had not been present at the meeting of the Council at which settled status was agreed and noted that the recommendation agreed by Councillors were subject to the settled view being progressed via further consultation. Councillor McCuish advised that he did not understand how the Council could come to a settled view on something that was then subject to further consultation.


The Development Policy and Housing Strategy Manager advised that a complex procedure had taken place in accordance with Scottish Government policy, noting that the settled status of the Council had been agreed as the final position of the Council following consultation which had taken place over a number of years. The Development Policy and Housing Strategy Manager outlined details of the forms of consultation which had taken place prior to the Council coming to a settled view on the LDP2 and noted that from the point of having a settled view of the Council, the LDP2 could then be tabled for public examination whereby people could make relevant objections to the Scottish Government reporter. The Development Policy and Housing Strategy Manager confirmed that this was a part of the statutory process and any objections made during the period of consultation would then be sent to the Scottish Government alongside the Council鈥檚 response to these objections for them to consider, with the Scottish Government then being able to make recommendations to the Council in relation to potential required changes.


Alison Chadwick raised concerns around the process and noted that she would prefer that the process was changed or efforts were made by Officials to adapt the procedure to ensure that settled status was not agreed prior to consultation being completed as she did not feel this was a democratic way for a major planning document to be agreed..


Alison Chadwick requested clarification from Members on how many of them had taken up the offer from Officers for a one-to-one session in relation to the LDP2. Discussion took place around the methods of consultation which had taken place over a number of years in relation to the LDP2 and it was agreed that The Development Policy and Housing Strategy Manager would confirm details of the consultation process to Ms Chadwick and Area Committee Members following the meeting.


The Chair confirmed that questions in relation to the process could be raised with relevant Officers and the Scottish Government, advising that she shared concerns around the Council coming to a settled view prior to further consultation.


Duncan Martin noted that this process may change under new planning legislation and The Development Policy and Housing Strategy Manager agreed that this may be the case.


The Development Policy and Housing Strategy Manager confirmed that consultation had taken place before the Council had decided on the settled status of the LDP, noting that this had largely taken the form of the main issues report. The Development Policy and Housing Strategy Manager advised that the main issues report had included a list of possible options and that this was the point at which people could express their views and suggest any required changes. The Development Policy and Housing Strategy Manager noted that following consultation on the main issues report, the report had been discussed with Councillors at various Committees and workshops. Mr Mulderig advised that an offer had also been made to Councillors offering one-to-one discussions in relation to sites and issues relevant to them, noting that he was unsure which Councillors had taken up this offer at the time. The Development Policy and Housing Strategy Manager confirmed that the main issues report had also been consulted on at an Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Business Day and agreed that he would check consultation records and report back information around this to Members following the meeting. Councillor Green confirmed that an Oban, Lorn and the Isles Area Business Day in November 2017 had included the main issues report on the agenda.


Following a query from Councillor McCuish as to whether the main issues report was an advisory or statutory document, The Development Policy and Housing Strategy Manager confirmed that the consultation process was dictated by statutory legislation.


Question from Councillor Jim Lynch


Councillor Lynch requested that an update was provided on concerns raised at a recent meeting of Mull Community Council in relation to the condition of the Tobermory High School building.


Response from Committee


Councillor Devon provided an update on concerns raised by parents and plans for Salen Primary School children to be temporarily moved to Tobermory High School during the refurbishment of the Salen Primary School building. Councillor Devon confirmed that the Head Teacher of Dunoon High School was being invited to talk to parents about the process of decanting pupils. Councillor Devon advised that parents remained concerned about having a safe, healthy environment for their children and the school being fit for use by the additional 74 pupils.


Councillor Lynch sought and received confirmation from Councillor Devon that regular updates around this would be shared with Ward 4 Councillors.

Councillor Devon highlighted issues around availability of offices for the school nurse to see pupils in need of assistance, noting that this had been raised with the Head of Education and assurance had been provided that an office would be available for this purpose.


Question from Marri Malloy, Oban Community Council


Marri Malloy raised concerns around the Council鈥檚 selling of assets, such as car parks and the leasing of toilets. Ms Malloy advised that this was affecting the recreational and green spaces available to those who lived in Oban. Ms Malloy requested confirmation from the Council as to when something would be done to rectify this situation.


Response from Committee


The Chair sought and received confirmation from Ms Malloy that this comment was in relation to item 10 of the agenda and confirmed that an update on this matter and the 鈥極ne Council鈥 approach would be discussed at the relevant point in the meeting.


Question from Tracy Mayo, Chair of Parent Council


Tracy Mayo requested that concerns raised by parents around the decant of pupils to Tobermory High School, the lack of head teacher and the condition of the building be given due cognisance.

Response from Committee


The Chair confirmed that concerns would be noted and provided assurance that Councillor Devon had been in correspondence with Officers over a number of months and would continue to work on this matter, alongside Councillor Lynch.


Question from Councillor Julie McKenzie


Councillor McKenzie requested that thanks were provided by the Committee to staff at Easdale Primary in response to their handling of a recent situation, particularly their taking into account the views of the community and positive communication with parents.


Response from Committee


The Chair noted her agreement with what Councillor McKenzie had said.