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If NO, please go to Section 3) 2(b) Do you propose a variation to the layout plan which is not inconsistent with the operating plan for the Premises? YES  FORMCHECKBOX  NO  FORMCHECKBOX  (If the answer is YES, please give details of the proposed variation below)  FORMTEXT        2(c) Do you propose to restrict the terms on which children and young persons are admitted to the premises? YES  FORMCHECKBOX  NO  FORMCHECKBOX  (If the answer is YES, please give details of the proposed variation below)  FORMTEXT        2(d) Do you propose to vary the information contained in the licence relating to the premises manager, including variation to substitute a new premises manager? YES  FORMCHECKBOX  NO  FORMCHECKBOX  (If the answer is YES, please complete Section 4 below) 2(e) Do you propose any other variation as prescribed by Section 29(6)(d) of the 2005 Act? YES  FORMCHECKBOX  NO  FORMCHECKBOX  (If the answer is YES, please give details of the proposed variation below)  FORMTEXT        SECTION 3: OTHER VARIATIONS 3(a) Do you propose a variation to any of the conditions to which the licence is subject (other than those to which the licence is subject by virtue of Section 27(1))? YES  FORMCHECKBOX  NO  FORMCHECKBOX  (If the answer is YES, please give details of the proposed variation below)  FORMTEXT        3(b) Do you propose to vary any of the information contained in the operating plan contained in the licence? YES  FORMCHECKBOX  NO  FORMCHECKBOX  (If the answer is YES, please give details of the proposed variation below)  FORMTEXT        3(c) Do you propose a variation to the layout plan contained in the licence? YES  FORMCHECKBOX  NO  FORMCHECKBOX  (If the answer is YES, please give details of the proposed variation below)  FORMTEXT        3(d) Do you propose to vary any other information contained or referred to in the licence, including an addition, deletion or other modification? YES  FORMCHECKBOX  NO  FORMCHECKBOX  (If the answer is YES, please give details of the proposed variation below)  FORMTEXT        SECTION 4: VARIATION TO SUBSTITUTE NEW PREMISES MANAGER Please provide details below of the name, address and personal licence number of the Existing Premises Manager.  FORMTEXT        Reference Number of Personal Licence   FORMTEXT       PROPOSED PREMISES MANAGER 4(a) Name and telephone number  FORMTEXT        Telephone No.  FORMTEXT       4(b) Date and place of birth  FORMTEXT        4(c) Contact address, including postcode  FORMTEXT  >? # $ % ) * k l m w x  . 0 D F H Ⱒ❕₍tkaTajhvh5Ujhvh5Uhvh5CJaJjhvhUmHnHujhvhUjhvhUh /hvh5 hvh5h hvh5:CJ^Jhvh5:CJ^J hU+hvhhvh5:CJaJhvh5:CJhIhvh5:CJhvhh\wDhvh5CJ$^JaJ$hULk5CJ$^JaJ$ >?n  $ % k l       $If$a$  . 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YES  FORMCHECKBOX  NO  FORMCHECKBOX  (If the answer is NO, please provide the proposed date from which the variation is to take effect).  FORMTEXT        DECLARATION BY APPLICANT OR AGENT ON BEHALF OF APPLICANT (If signing on behalf of the applicant please state in what capacity.) I confirm that the contents of this application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. The application fee is enclosed. Signature & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ..& & & & . (See Note 1 below) Date & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & . Capacity APPLICANT / AGENT (delete as appropriate) If agent, please provide name, address, telephone number and email address: & ....................................... & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ...& & & . & .......................................................... & .& & & & & & & & & & & & & & ...& & & . & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & . & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & . & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & . I have enclosed the relevant documents with this application  please tick the relevant boxes Premises Licence (See Note 2) Operating Plan (see Note 3) Layout Plans (see Note 3) Planning certificate (See Note 3) Building standards certificate (See Note 4) Food hygiene certificate (See Note 4) Copy of Personal Licence  Notes Note 1: Data Protection Act 1988 The information you have supplied on this form will be used for the purpose for which you have provided it and any relevant procedures following from this. A full privacy notice, which provides information about your rights under data protection legislation and details about what will happen to your personal data, is attached for your information Note 2: The application must be accompanied by the Premises Licence to which the application relates, or if that is not practicable, a statement of the reasons for failure to produce the licence. Note 3: Where the proposed variation affects the current operating plan, please submit an operating plan including the proposed variations. Where the proposed variation affects the current layout plan, please submit 6 sets of plans showing the proposed new layout of the premises. Note 4: Applicants for variations involving structural alterations should submit the relevant Section 50 certificates with their application. 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